How to stop worrying about things you can’t control

There is a constant fact about life that some people refuse to accept: you have no control over many things that happen in your life. People who resist this truth rapidly become control freaks. As Micromanage, they refuse to delegate tasks, forcing other persons to change.   

If you’re wasting time worrying about things you can’t control, we highlight six things that can help you in the long run:

1. Determine What’s within your control.

Whenever you’re worried, take a moment to review the things you control. 

You certainly cannot prevent a brewing storm from approaching, but you get a head start to prepare well. In hodiernal, you cannot make yourself for what people would do or say to you, but you can align your response to be as blissful as possible. 

Have a clear-cut understanding that seldom all you can control are your efforts and your attitude. When you put your energy into the things you can control, you will be much more efficient.

2. Be keen on your influence.

Perhaps you can influence people and circumstances, but that is where it ends for a handful of times. You most certainly cannot force things to take a course in your direction.


In essence, while you are a good role model for many people and a great influence, you should also have a healthy limit bar for yourself. Avoid fixing what isn’t broken; this includes people’s behaviors. 

3. Recognize Your Fears.

Recognize your fears. Ask yourself the important questions. What are you most afraid of happening? Do you perhaps foresee a catastrophic outcome? Like many of us, do you doubt your ability to deal with disappointment and or rejection?

Do you know, in a handful of times, the worse case scenarios are not as terrible as we envision. 

4. Distinguish between thinking and solving problems.

Repeating conversations in your head or repeatedly imagining catastrophic results is not helpful. But finding the solution to a problem is. Ensure your thinking is productive. If you are actively solving a problem, such as finding ways to increase your chances of success, build on those solutions. 

However, if you waste time brooding, switch trains of thoughts in your brain. Recognize that your thoughts are not useful to exercise your brain for a short while, and you will see a world of difference.  

5. Have A Stress Management Plan

Keeping fit, healthy eating, and having a good amount of sleep are vital to your overall growth. It would be best if you also spent time managing stress to work more effectively.   

Monitor your stress levels and watch how you handle the discomfort that comes with it. If you have an unhealthy coping skill, you should avoid it.     

6.Have A Healthy Mantra

Two sentences that I live by? 

  • I Can Make It Happen.
  • I Can Handle It.

Subconsciously, I do this all the time, and there’s been a positive impact in my daily life. You can also practice this method while painting your favorite Paint By Numbers kit.